Slack also recommends checking your connection to its service by using its own connection test, which can be accessed at /help/test. Check your connection by attempting to load another website in your browser. If you’re having trouble connecting to Slack, the first thing you need to do is check your own connection. It’s also possible that your connection issues could be on your end. And while there have been instances of the entire platform being down, connectivity issues don’t just stem from worldwide outages. One of the most common issues with Slack is connectivity. In this guide, we’re taking a look at five of the most common Slack issues and show you how to fix them so you can get your workday up and running again. My company monitors Slack activity to measure productivity and I need to look busyīut in the event it doesn’t, we’ve got your back.Slack refuses to work because it thinks my device is jailbroken.Slack doesn’t seem to be updating properly.Notifications that remain even after you check your messages.Searching for a specific message (among the many you receive).